- know the rating of the video game your child plays:
- do not install video game equipment in your child's bedroom;
- set limits on how often or how long your child is aloud to play video games;
- monitor all of your child's media consumption - video games, movies, television, Internet;
- supervise your child's Internet use - there are now many video games available for playing online;
- take the time to discuss with your children the games they are playing or other media they are watching. Ask your children what they feel about they observe in these video games, television programs or movies. This is an opportunity to share your feelings and grow closer with your child;
- share with other parents information about certain games or ideas helping each other in parenting.
The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB)
The ESRB look at a number of factors when rating games. In particular it considers tha amount of violence, sex, controversial language and substance abuse found in a game. Based on its developed guidelines, the ESRB then gives an age recommendation and content descriptor to each game submitted. The following are the rating symbols currently in use, according to the ESRB site:
-Early Childhood(EC): content should be suitable for children 3 years and older and contain no objectionable material;
-Everyone(E): content suitable for persons ages 6 or older. The game may contain minimal violence and some "comic mischief";
-Teen(T): content suitable for persons ages 13 and older. Content is more violent than (E) rating and contains mild or strong language, and/or suggestive themes.
-Mature(M): content suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Content definitely has more mature sexual themes, violence and stronger language;
-Adults Only(AO): content suitable only for adults and may contain graphic sex and/or violence. Adult Only products are not intended for persons under the age of 18;
-Rating Pending(RP): game has been submitted to the ESRB and is awaiting a final rating.
The ESRB web site has more details about this rating system, as well as the "content descriptors" that are used in conjunction with the ratings on the game packaging. The site also useful for parents who want to search for the rating of a particular game.
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