Recently reseachers and scientists of different nations have progressed so far, and have proceedwed so far in their cognitions, that they have recognized the destructive work of different chemicles, and especially bromine on the ozone belt, and want to evaluate this in their irresponsible delusion for might for war-technical purposes. They have already invented basic ideas for building missile bodies, whose destructive and deathbringing substances will be bromides. Shot up into the atmosphere and brought to explosion there, it would effect the tearing of HUGE HOLES in the atmosphere and the ozone belt and all radiations from the sun would penetrate unhampered. Such a HOLE is only slowly able to close itself again, which process may take hundreds of years, if no further destructive substances invade. An additional factor that comes into effect is that the ozone belt has a certain movement, and is wandering. A HOLE would not only destroy a well defined region, but it would wander nearly uncontrollably and also destroy other regions. This is a fact which is not yet known to your scientists."
Now this a message claimed to have been received in 1975. If so it is remarkably precient. However the book I am quoting from was published in 1988, so I have no evidence that this statement actually existed in 1975 in exactly this form --using the phrase "HUGE HOLES in the atmosphere and the ozone belt."
It is claimed in the Meier book that this information was sent to Prof. Michael McElroy at Harvard University, and also to "every foreign embassy in Switzerland and only received an answer from one, West Germany, which thanked them for the information."
The exact wording of this announcement would be useful along with some evidence that this wording actually existed in 1975.
Incidentally, the banning chlorofluorocarbons (in order to protect the ozone shield) began in 1978, and is a continuing process.
If someone can show the use of the phrase "ozone hole" in print in 1975, I would be glad to revise my thinking about this strange usage of this idea by Billy Meier.
This is a blog about people and things that can help understand world around us better sometimes. If is that so...let's find out togheter.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Pleiadian Warning About Ozone Holes ( II )
It would seem that Billy Meier's 1975 message from "Semjase" might be a response to this new (1974) data. Perhaps Semjase reads Nature and Science. Yet there is no hint in these data of "ozone holes." Presumably the first ozone hole (the one over Antarctica) was not discovered for another 10 years -- and it came as a surprise.
Here is Billy Meier's message from Semajase (25 February 1975) as published in English translation --from German -- (Message From the Pleiades: The Contact Notes of Eduard Billy Meier, privately published by UFO Photo Archives, Tucson, AZ, 1988, pages 92-93); and note that I have upper-cased the words HOLE and HOLES for emphasis:
"Today's message is: For many decades we have monitored all spheres of your world, the increasing changes and the dangerous effects. For some years now we have noticed a steadily increasing and dangerous change in your atmosphere, which will have deadly consequences for all Earth life: by increasing measure the ozone belt of the stratosphere changes due to irresponsible influences of human achievements. Different ozone-destroying chemicals mount as gas-substances into the stratosphere and affect the ozone belt. Especially this treats of the bromine gasses, which reach into the ozone stratum and slowly dissolves it. It is already affected and destroyed by an average measure of 6.38%. An amount of percentage which has already become harmful and dangerous for all forms of life, and is able to call up mutational changes. This is an amount which will be reached in 60 years. There are bromine gas substances which slowly destroy the ozone belt, as I have already mentioned. So increasingly, ultraviolet radiations of the sun can invade the atmosphere, which is able to affect all creatures. Over different areas the ozone belt is already dangerously affected and has become variable in its protective function. At three different places already the danger exists that it would collapse within a few decades and be comepletely destroyed, if the release of destructive factors is not limited. If this is not done, the it means HOLES will be rent in the protective screen and the ultroviolet radiation will be able to penetrate unhampered, which could carry in itself the painful death of all life. Everything that comes into reach of the radiation penetrating through the HOLES will be exposed to helpless destruction. In the main, the destroying chemicals and radiations are set free by explosion engines and matter destroying processes of all sorts, for example atom-splitting and similar operations, which in great amount since 12945 has subjected the whole world's course and all living things to a wicked change. Destructive chemicals and gasses are released by things of daily life, as each spray-bottle releases besides bromine, chemicals of other sorts, which mount to the atmosphere and destroy it slowly but systematically.
Here is Billy Meier's message from Semajase (25 February 1975) as published in English translation --from German -- (Message From the Pleiades: The Contact Notes of Eduard Billy Meier, privately published by UFO Photo Archives, Tucson, AZ, 1988, pages 92-93); and note that I have upper-cased the words HOLE and HOLES for emphasis:
"Today's message is: For many decades we have monitored all spheres of your world, the increasing changes and the dangerous effects. For some years now we have noticed a steadily increasing and dangerous change in your atmosphere, which will have deadly consequences for all Earth life: by increasing measure the ozone belt of the stratosphere changes due to irresponsible influences of human achievements. Different ozone-destroying chemicals mount as gas-substances into the stratosphere and affect the ozone belt. Especially this treats of the bromine gasses, which reach into the ozone stratum and slowly dissolves it. It is already affected and destroyed by an average measure of 6.38%. An amount of percentage which has already become harmful and dangerous for all forms of life, and is able to call up mutational changes. This is an amount which will be reached in 60 years. There are bromine gas substances which slowly destroy the ozone belt, as I have already mentioned. So increasingly, ultraviolet radiations of the sun can invade the atmosphere, which is able to affect all creatures. Over different areas the ozone belt is already dangerously affected and has become variable in its protective function. At three different places already the danger exists that it would collapse within a few decades and be comepletely destroyed, if the release of destructive factors is not limited. If this is not done, the it means HOLES will be rent in the protective screen and the ultroviolet radiation will be able to penetrate unhampered, which could carry in itself the painful death of all life. Everything that comes into reach of the radiation penetrating through the HOLES will be exposed to helpless destruction. In the main, the destroying chemicals and radiations are set free by explosion engines and matter destroying processes of all sorts, for example atom-splitting and similar operations, which in great amount since 12945 has subjected the whole world's course and all living things to a wicked change. Destructive chemicals and gasses are released by things of daily life, as each spray-bottle releases besides bromine, chemicals of other sorts, which mount to the atmosphere and destroy it slowly but systematically.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Pleiadian Warning About Ozone Holes ( I )
If Billy Meier spoke about "ozone holes" in the stratosphere in 1975, that is remarkable. Ozone depletion in the atmosphere was widely discussed since around 1970, but it was assumed that this depletion would be be gradual and fairly homogenous throughout the stratosphere.
Here is the opening paragraph of the article "The Antartic Ozone Hole" by Richard S. Stolarski (Sci.Amer. Jan. 1988, p. 30):
"In 1985 atmospheric scientists of the British Antarctic Survey published a completely unexpected finding: the springtime amounts of ozone in the atmosphere over Halley Bay, Antarctica, had decreased by more than 40 percent between 1977 and 1984. Other groups soon confirmed the report and showed that the region of oxone depletion was actually wider than the contintent and extended roughly from 12 to 24 kilometers in altitude, spanning much of the lower stratosphere. There was, in essence, an ozone 'hole' in the polar atmosphere."
One must contrast this with the scientific description of "ozone depletion" in 1975. For example the Britannica Yearbook 1975 (for events in 1974) says on page 284:
"The Ozone Shield. A new environmental threat appeared during the year, this time from aerosol sprays. For several years there had been warnings about the dangers implicit in any reduction in the belt of ozone that surrounds the planet. Ozone absorbs incomning ultraviolet radiation, and a diminution in the shield might have serious effects on living organisms at the surface. In June 1974 a report in Nature described the most authoritative mearsurements made so fare of actual ozone levels, by the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. They showed that there was a continuous downward trend in ozone concentrations below the 300km level from 1965 to 1973, whereas above 30 km, the concentration appeared to be increasing. Through previous measurements had shown a regular rise and fall in cencentrations that could be related to the solar cycle, the new trend was continuous and cut across the solar cycle.
"In 1972 and 1973 the threat was believed to come mainly from rockets, high-flying aircraft, and industrial pollutants, but a paper published in Science (September 27) suggested that the main cause might be the propellants used in aerosols. The chemicals must commonly used (chlorofluromethanes) are relatively innert and rise into the stratosphere where thay are broken down by ultraviolet light, releasing chlorine atoms which react with atmosphereic ozone. Warning of this danger came from F.S. Rowland, of the University of California at Irvine, in a address given in September at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society in Atlantic City, N.J."
Here is the opening paragraph of the article "The Antartic Ozone Hole" by Richard S. Stolarski (Sci.Amer. Jan. 1988, p. 30):
"In 1985 atmospheric scientists of the British Antarctic Survey published a completely unexpected finding: the springtime amounts of ozone in the atmosphere over Halley Bay, Antarctica, had decreased by more than 40 percent between 1977 and 1984. Other groups soon confirmed the report and showed that the region of oxone depletion was actually wider than the contintent and extended roughly from 12 to 24 kilometers in altitude, spanning much of the lower stratosphere. There was, in essence, an ozone 'hole' in the polar atmosphere."
One must contrast this with the scientific description of "ozone depletion" in 1975. For example the Britannica Yearbook 1975 (for events in 1974) says on page 284:
"The Ozone Shield. A new environmental threat appeared during the year, this time from aerosol sprays. For several years there had been warnings about the dangers implicit in any reduction in the belt of ozone that surrounds the planet. Ozone absorbs incomning ultraviolet radiation, and a diminution in the shield might have serious effects on living organisms at the surface. In June 1974 a report in Nature described the most authoritative mearsurements made so fare of actual ozone levels, by the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. They showed that there was a continuous downward trend in ozone concentrations below the 300km level from 1965 to 1973, whereas above 30 km, the concentration appeared to be increasing. Through previous measurements had shown a regular rise and fall in cencentrations that could be related to the solar cycle, the new trend was continuous and cut across the solar cycle.
"In 1972 and 1973 the threat was believed to come mainly from rockets, high-flying aircraft, and industrial pollutants, but a paper published in Science (September 27) suggested that the main cause might be the propellants used in aerosols. The chemicals must commonly used (chlorofluromethanes) are relatively innert and rise into the stratosphere where thay are broken down by ultraviolet light, releasing chlorine atoms which react with atmosphereic ozone. Warning of this danger came from F.S. Rowland, of the University of California at Irvine, in a address given in September at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society in Atlantic City, N.J."
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Study finds Ozone Hole Repair Contributes to Global Warming, Sea Ice Melt
In 1985, scientists from the British Antarctic Survey found a giant hole in the ozone layer of Earth's atmosphere over the South Pole. This discovery prompted a largely successful international effort to ban CFCs, the chemicals largely responsible for man-made thinning of the ozone layer. Unfortunately, a new analysis from Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) suggests that stopping ozone depletion may actually increase global warming and speed up sea level rise. This discovery pits two important environmental missions against each other, while highlighting the complexity of our effect on the planet. SCAR's findings indicate that the extra radiation allowed through the atmosphere by the depleted ozone above Antarctica created wind patterns that cooled the eastern, more densely ice-covered, section of the continent. Those weather patterns partly protected Antarctic ice from the ravages of global warming. Now, as the hole in the atmosphere heals, those wind patterns will shift, fully subjecting the Antarctic ice to the effects climate change. According to SCAR, that means a rise in sea levels up to 4.6 feet greater than earlier predictions.
Although often confused in the mind of the public, and in news reports about the environment, climate change and ozone depletion are largely unrelated phenomena.
Atmospheric ozone, a chemical consisting of three oxygen molecules, protects animal life from cancer-causing UV radiation (hence the worry over its disappearance). Man-made chemicals like certain aerosol sprays and refrigerator coolants chemically react with ozone, creating new compounds that don't block out the radiation. While some of those chemicals are also greenhouse gases, their contribution to global warming is insignificant when compared with other greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor.
The SCAR report's revelation that fixing one pressing environmental problem may accelerate another dangerous problem puts efforts to prevent rapid environmental change in a bit of a pickle. As the leaders of the world's nations prepare to hash out future environmental agreements, revelations like this can't help make me wonder how today's solutions might become tomorrows concerns.
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