Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Self-knowledge and career

    Self-knowledge is developed once with the age and the experiences we've been made through. During maturation our individual person obtains an advanced capacity of self-knowledge. With all of this we can't never affirm that we know in totally ourselves. The self-knowledge process is not something ending once with the adolescence or the youth. The struggling with different events may throw out to the light and reveal new personality dimensions that are already consolidate, but happening to intercourse only in certain contexts. One of those events is very significant in the arrangement of self-knowledge process. It's about the moment of the career option, wich-the experts affirm-can be associated with the profesional identity obtaining, once is realized the initial integration and fitting at the profesion.
    The expectation that teens have confronted at the first job depends once with the profesional motivations who become in present more and more concentrated on the statute need and financial safety. The psychologists include this kind of things in the motivation category like "hygyene".
    At the oposite pole of this kind of motivation stands the "intrinsically motivation" wich source are the personal desires, needs and necessitis who unfortunately we have less contact and risk to estrange from ourselves and create a fake profesional and social identity. To choose a profesion that is inadequate with what or who we really are and our true desires it's like watching ourselves into a mirror that deform our image. The same thing could happened also in the account between our profesional and our actual or future job. It's possible that when we not have a possibility to proper reflect of this interests peering our career to see surprised we can change a lot of profesions without reaching in an end at a complete self-knowledge, with other words - without succeed to consolidate our profesional identity.

1 comment:

  1. I agree you can't really be sure whether your career choice is right until you get to know yourself very well, but unfortunately we don't have access to this information as teenagers. All we can do is to try to determine what job suits us best knowing our personality traits and infering our personal evolution.
